- Why should we suffer like this? 为什么我们得这样受苦?
- "Harry dear," she said one day, "Why should we needlessly make our lives a misery like this and spoil the best years of our youth? 胖子凯迪亚的爸妈住的地方离这儿并不太远。他对他们说,他要娶勤苦善良的凯迪亚为妻子。
- Why should we prolong this painful interview? 我们何必把这次痛苦的谈话继续下去呢?
- Socialism must demonstrate its superiority.Things should not continue as they are: although we have practiced socialism for more than 20 years, our country is still very poor.If things continue like this, why should we continue under socialism? 社会主义要表现出它的优越性,哪能像现在这样,搞了二十多年还这么穷,那要社会主义干什么?
- Why should we go on like this? 为什么我们会走到这一步?
- Socialism must demonstrate its superiority.Things should not continue as they are: although we have practiced socialism for more than 20 years,our country is still very poor.If things continue like this,why should we continue under socialism? 社会主义要表现出它的优越性,哪能像现在这样,搞了二十多年还这么穷,那要社会主义干什么?
- How long should we simper like this? 我们还要像这样傻笑多久?
- Why should we give you special treatment? 凭什麽要我们对你特殊照顾?
- I won't stand by and let him suffer like this. 我不会袖手旁观,让他这样受苦。
- I know. I hate to see her suffer like this. 我知道。我真不想看见她受这样的折磨。
- Why should we exaggerate this case as an act of hostility? 为什么把善意夸大成了敌意?
- Yes indeed. Why should we do it in this very tiring way? 对呀。干吗要这麼累呀?
- It seemed to me as if we'd done nothing but row and suffer like this from the moment we set eyes on each other. 我觉得自我们彼此相见以来,似乎只有吵架和遭罪了。
- Why should we submit to be ruled by such a king? 我们为什么要受这样一个国王的统治呢?
- Why should we judge more strictly than Christ? 为什么我们要比基督严厉呢?
- Why should you fly into such a rage at a small thing like this? 你为什么要为这么点的小事而如此地大动肝火呢?
- If we can do it,why should we push it on to others? 如果我们能做,干吗推给别人?
- Why should we concede those areas? 为什么要让出呢?
- Why should we dream away another year? 我们为什么还要虚度一年光阴?
- Why should we give them special treatment? 为什么我们要对他们特殊照顾?